Is your website hurting your business?

IsYourWebsiteHurtingboxSome business owners believe that simply having a website is all the marketing that you need.

What most business owners do not understand is that having a mediocre website is actually hurting your business and driving customers away.

Your potential customers are using the Internet more than ever and they will judge your business immediately based on the look of your website and information contained within.  Online surveys have shown that First impressions are 94% design-related.  

Website content and ease-of-use are the next factors that your potential customers will use to judge your business and to decide whether to contact you or not.

If you answer NO to any of these questions then your website might be hurting your business.


  1. Is your website Responsive? (designed for all formats; smartphone, tablet, PC, Smart-TV…)
  2. Is your website current, with up-to-date images and information?
  3. Do you have Landing Pages for your marketing campaigns?
  4. Do you have a Social Media presence? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest…)
  5. Does your website design match your brand?
  6. Do you have access to your website visitor statistics?
  7. Do you view your statistics on a weekly basis?
  8. Do you modify your marketing based on your website traffic results?
  9. Do you have a S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization) plan of action?
  10. Does your current Internet Marketing Company communicate with you about your Marketing needs?

There was a time when anyone could design a basic website using drag-and-drop software and a cheap hosting plan, but today having a successful website means that you need to understand S.E.O., Social Media Marketing and more advanced marketing techniques in order to compete.

Call us today to help you to reach more consumers with our extensive S.E.O. knowledge and experience, but also to turn that traffic into actual customers – 561-412-5485.